Friday, November 20, 2009

Jackson Dallin Koecher the First

This is me washing the head of Jackson.

The new and improved Koecher family.

Jackson right after he got off oxygen.

Amber and Jackson before before he was taken to the NICU. Amber had to stay and get stitched up. She was a real trooper.

Amber and I after the baby was born

Jackson weighing in at 8 lbs 2 0z

Amber right before the C Section started.

Me at 5:30 in the morning....

Amber at 5:30 in the morning, I think she handles it better than me.


Nathaly said...

Thanks for sharing those pictures with us! Congratulations guys!! I love Jackson's face in the first picture. He is so adorable :)

Amanda said...

Congratulations! I met Amber through IWA at USU and I saw on facebook that your blog had pictures, so I had to check them out :) Jackson is adorable! Way to go Amber, coping well with a c-section! Enjoy this time, they grow so fast!